Sunday, August 11, 2024

Melawat Tumbuhan Herba Di Victoria Park Sunday Market

I don’t know about you but for me happiness is homemade, so today I went to some of Perth's Sunday markets to create my own. It brought joy when I got to see the herb plants.

You can enlarge the text to see the details in the images below.

Pokok ashagandha, ingatkan Asyhwarya Rai tadi.  Pohon yang berpotensi untuk meredakan stress sebagaimana tulisan yang tertera.

Pokok pegaga ke ni?.  Gotu kola.

Lihat pokok Lidah Mertua, RM30 uolls!.  

Bunga-bungaan ini sangat wangi tau tadi.

We had brunch in a neighbouring cafe before heading to this Sunday market in Victoria Park. I attempted to visit another market, but it was closed, most likely due to bad weather this morning.   So, we went home to perform our Zohor prayer to continue our journey.


"Lisanmu adalah Syurga Nerakamu."
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