Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pasar Malam Di Perth

Assalamualaikum and happy weekend everyone!

The Canningvale Market has opened tonight for business in celebration of winter. According to a vendor at the market, if there is positive feedback, this night market insha Allah will be held weekly. However, the regular Sunday daytime sales will continue as usual.

Initially, I thought this “pasar malam”, as mentioned by Cik Q, might be an ordinary one with limited halal options, and I considered having dinner in the city before leaving. However, Alhamdulillah, it turns out the vendors are familiar ones we frequent during the day, like Ikhwan Cafe, Restoran Cili Padi, and the Indo Satay Stall (apologies, I forgot the name of your stall, Sister).

Ceramel popcorn.  

Ok kita snapkan juga gerai-gerai lain yang ada sekadar untuk memeriahkan entri ini.   Pendek kata, pasar malam ini  multi cultural. 


Kanak-kanak paling happy dapat berhibur bersama rakan-rakan sebaya.   

We're hoping for a positive reception for this night market so that we have somewhere to relax (unwind) on the weekends.

Night market : free entry.
Day market : 2 dollars kot kalau tak silap.

Nota : Sekadar pendapat peribadi.


  1. Wah.. Seronok ada pasar malam juga...

    1. Linda - Ni baru testing. Kalau ada sambutan, baru berterusan.

  2. Lama2 saya jadi teringin nak ke Aussie 😄😄👍. Sukaaaa lihat foto2 tempat di sana.

    1. Fanny - Alhamdulillah jika Fanny suka. 😊.
      Hopefully jika U datang, Pasar Malam ini masih wujud lagi.


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