Sunday, March 3, 2019


Assalamualaikum ladies...

 My sister, Ustazah S.A says...  "Punca tak tenang.. sebab mengumpat.  Bila berbuat dosa... itu lah punca tak tenang.".

Betul lah.... kalau terngumpat orang, mesti lah tak sedap hati.   Kita dah termakan daging mereka..  nauzubillahiminzalik.

Bagaimana selalunya pemBAWANGan itu berlaku?.

 Sometimes, a simple conversation becomes an opportunity  to complain or speak negatively about someone.  For example like... we weaving opinions into conversation.. kat wassap contohnya.. or just adding a bottle of salt in someone's injury kat social media.  Tak reti nak say babai or ignore saja status mereka, makin dibubuh cili api.

Mungkin tentera2 BAWANG itu stok pahala mereka dah banyak, makanya "tak kedekut" untuk dibagi sama rata dgn orang yg dibawang.

Then... yg kita pula yg pahala2 pun ciput jgn dibazir2 pula yg ciput itu untuk org lain.   Ukur baju di badan sendiri.  Haha..

So... masih belum terlambat untuk berubah.
We can completely recreate ourself.
REBRANDING ourself..
Nothing is permanent.  We are not stuck.

We have choices.
We can think new thoughts.
We can create new hobby.
We can cook new recipe.
We can rise up from anything..
Yes... anything..
All that matters is that we decide today and never look back.
Today's success doesn't require beautiful past..
Past is past..
Ok ladies...
Peace of mind is the measure of success!.
So... go for it.

p/s  :  pic atas :  speghetti goreng Mr Shashal masak semalam. 

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