Friday, September 27, 2024

Berniaga ketika belajar.

 Assalamualaikum… salam Jumaat.

Old memories sometimes resurface unexpectedly, like today when a picture of the “bracelets”  Cik Q both created and sold during university popped up. This wasn’t her first foray into business either—back in primary school, she sold stickers! 😂😂  It was just a fun project born from her long-standing interest in business, something she’s had since childhood.

Actually I am not sure if it was a bracelet or tasbih but she even bought various tools to craft them herself, and sold them for 10 dollars each to her friends. How sporting they were to support her little venture!.😂.  Masya Allah tabarakallah.

Even though it was just for fun, every effort holds meaning. As a parent, I pray that this interest will lead her to success in the future, no matter the path she chooses. Sometimes, the things we start for fun are the ones that grow into something bigger. May she continue to thrive with every bit of effort and passion she pours into what she does.  Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin.

P/S :   Mungkin anak-anak anda juga mempunyai sikap yang sama, sila tinggalkan di ruangan komen.


  1. Ye betul...sama macam Dania masa sekolah rendah dan menengah...dia ada effort..tapi...bila dah besar ni dia suruh mama dia plak yang open order jual lauk pauk...

    1. SA - pandai Dania memotivasikan ibunya, mesti dia tahu yg ibunya terror masak.


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