Friday, September 27, 2024

Menjaga ORTU

Assalamualaikum uollz!

I'm not perfect and in the past, many people even called me fierce, wakaka…but I try my best to take care of my Mom in Law (MIL) as I should. To me, once you're part of your spouse's family, your responsibilities extend beyond just your husband or wife, but also to their parent. Maybe not everyone will understand, but I believe that if we care for the elderly with sincerity, inshaAllah, good things will come into our lives.

For me, spending time with my MIL isn't just about fulfilling family obligations. It's about creating memories and learning from someone who is older and more experienced. Time with them won’t last forever, so every moment is truly precious.

My MIL has this habit of loving to take selfies, so I just go along with it, snap her photo even though no one’s there to snap pictures for me 😂.   

Lokasi :   Teluk Ketapang, Warong Tok Mi, Kuala Trengganu.    Boleh tahan sedap semua menu kat Tok Mi ni, tapi air dia memang kurang manis.   Bagus untuk kesihatan. 

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