Sunday, September 22, 2024

Makan Petang di ICT Pantai Lama, Trengganu.

It would be a lie to say I didn't have any Terengganu friend because my prior housemate was a Ganu girl. (Her name is Jane). However, when it came to local dining spots, I found myself at a loss, so I decided to ask my groupmates. 

Dr. K suggested ITC Pantai Penarik. (Interestingly, I didn’t catch its full name until I returned home.) A quick search had previously led us to ICT Pantai Lama, Pantai Batu Buruk.

Not sure if they’re the same or different?.  But I’m satisfied with the menu.  The food was truly satisfying. Regardless of the place’s name, as long as our stomach is full and I’m happy, that’s what matters!.😂

With time running short, we left the hotel a little after 5, mindful that the restaurant would close at 7. At the same time, we needed to rush to Pasar Payang to buy some shawls and kaftan before it closed at 6. Thankfully, we made it in time—Alhamdulillah.

The fish and prawns were incredibly fresh, almost as if they had been plucked straight from the sea. By the way, they came without rice, reminiscent of how we enjoy pisang goreng. So, if you fancy rice with your seafood, perhaps it’s best to bring your own from home! 😂😂

Note :  ICT = Ikan Celup Tepung.   

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